Department e-Directives
e-Directives Names
- ADM‑001 DIR 03-29-2024 Department Directives System
- ADM‑002 02-01-2022 Office of Inspection and Audits
- ADM‑004 02-17-2016 Academy Facilities and Services
- ADM‑006 DIR 01-24-2023 Inspections
- ADM‑007 02-01-2022 Orders to Expunge or Seal
- ADM‑008 DIR 01-03-2023 Lost and Found Registration Plates
- ADM‑009 DIR 03-29-2024 Suggestions
- ADM‑010 DIR 01-03-2023 Telephone System
- ADM‑011 DIR 01-03-2023 Communications Recording Devices
- ADM-012 DIR 10-10-2023 Travel Regulations
- ADM‑014 02-01-2022 Legislative Procedures
- ADM‑015 DIR 05-01-2023 Media Guidelines
- ADM‑017 09-07-2022 ISP Legal Guidance and Bulletins
- ADM‑018 02-01-2022 Request for Legal Representation
- ADM‑019 DIR 12-06-2023 Wireless Voice/Data Communications Equipment
- ADM‑020 DIR 03-29-2024 Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA) Accreditation
- ADM‑021 02-01-2022 I‑Cycle
- ADM‑022 10-24-2017 Privacy of Personally Identifying Information
- ADM‑025 02-01-2022 Access to Records
- ADM‑102 06-08-2022 Freedom of Information Act
- ADM‑104 02-01-2022 Forms Management
- ADM‑106 04-11-2016 Nine‑One‑One (9‑1‑1)
- ADM‑111 02-01-2022 Public Meeting Accessibility
- ADM‑112 DIR 01-03-2023 Internal Information Dissemination
- ADM‑113 04-03-2015 Fires in State Facilities
- ADM‑114 09-24-2021 Voucher Processing Standards
- ADM‑117 02-01-2022 Budget/Appropriations
- ADM‑118 02-06-2025 Purchasing and Ordering Goods and Services
- ADM-120 DIR 06-23-2023 Financial Regulations and State Accounting
- ADM‑121 02-01-2022 Cash Receipts
- ADM-123 DIR 01-03-2023 Automotive Expense Invoices
- ADM‑124 02-01-2022 Grants
- ADM‑127 02-01-2022 Complaints Against Vendors
- ADM‑128 10-07-2024 Property Control
- ADM‑129 02-01-2022 Facility Leases
- ADM‑131 10-26-2015 Electricity Conservation
- ADM‑133 02-01-2022 Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting (I‑UCR) Program
- ADM‑134 DIR 03-29-2024 Strategic Planning and Project Management
- ADM‑135 02-01-2022 Contractual Agreements for Law Enforcement Services
- ADM‑136 02-01-2022 Crime Analysis
- ADM‑137 07-07-2021 Records Retention/Destruction Schedules
- ADM-140 DIR 09-05-2024 Administrative Reporting Requirements
- ADM-141 DIR 11-01-2023 Department Emblems
- ADM‑150 DIR 03-29-2024 Office of Metrics, Accreditation and Policy
- ADM-151 DIR 03-29-2024 Office of Protective Security
- ENF‑001 02-18-2022 Eavesdropping
- ENF‑003 03-06-2018 AWOLs and Deserters
- ENF‑004 DIR 01-03-2023 Abandoned Newborn Protection
- ENF‑005 DIR 01-03-2023 Neglected, Abused, and Dependent Minors
- ENF‑006 DIR 01-10-2024 Domestic Violence
- ENF‑008 DIR 03-01-2023 Field Report
- ENF‑009 DIR 01-03-2023 Universal Addendum Form
- ENF‑010 DIR 01-10-2024 Arrest Fingerprint Card Completion
- ENF‑011 DIR 01-10-2024 Citation Completion and Distribution
- ENF‑012 DIR 01-03-2023 Stop Card Completion
- ENF‑014 DIR 01-03-2023 Prisoner Transportation, Handling, Searching, and Jailing
- ENF‑015 DIR 01-10-2024 Notice to Appear
- ENF-016 DIR 12-09-2024 Tows
- ENF‑017 DIR 01-03-2023 Implied Consent Forms
- ENF‑018 DIR 01-03-2023 Driving Under the Influence Enforcement and Processing
- ENF‑019 DIR 04-08-2024 Responding to Mentally Ill Persons
- ENF‑020 DIR 01-03-2023 Alcoholism and Other Drug Dependency Act
- ENF‑021 DIR 01-03-2023 Breath Tests Unrelated to Driving Under the Influence
- ENF‑023 DIR 01-03-2023 Roadside Safety Checks
- ENF‑025 10-24-2017 Speed Limit and Occupant Restraint
- ENF‑026 DIR 01-03-2023 Vehicle Check Tag
- ENF‑028 02-18-2022 Lineup/Photo Array/Show-Up of Suspects
- ENF-029 DIR 06-23-2023 Enforcement Document Accountability/Receipt
- ENF‑030 10-01-2014 Diplomatic Immunity
- ENF‑031 DIR 01-03-2023 Foreign Nationals
- ENF‑032 DIR 01-03-2023 Enforcement of Commercial Motor Drivers, Prohibition of Alcohol and Drugs
- ENF‑033 09-08-2017 Weight Limitations: Series of Three Axles
- ENF‑034 DIR 01-10-2024 Overweight Ticket, Fines, and Pre-Trial Release
- ENF‑035 DIR 01-03-2023 Permit Movements
- ENF‑036 DIR 01-03-2023 Commercial Vehicle Enforcement
- ENF‑037 02-18-2022 Warrantless Searches
- ENF‑038 DIR 01-03-2023 Written Warning Form
- ENF‑040 DIR 01-24-2023 Clandestine Drug Laboratories
- ENF‑042 DIR 01-03-2023 Hazardous Materials Enforcement Program and Incident Response
- ENF‑043 DIR 01-03-2023 Hireback Activity
- ENF‑044 DIR 12-09-2024 Scale Operations
- ENF‑045 02-18-2022 Unsafe Driver Medical Reporting and Re‑Examination Request
- ENF‑046 02-18-2022 Violence in the Workplace
- ENF‑047 DIR 01-24-2023 Prohibition of Bias‑Based Law Enforcement
- ENF-050 DIR 01-25-2023 Sexual Assault and Sexual Abuse Response
- ENF-052 DIR 09-23-2024 Clear and Present Danger Reporting
- ENF-053 DIR 01-03-2024 Interaction with Homeless Persons
- EQP-001 DIR 01-03-2023 Department Vehicle Assignment and Maintenance
- EQP-002 DIR 06-24-2024 Department Vehicle Usage
- EQP-003 DIR 04-14-2023 Department Vehicle Crash and Incident Reporting
- EQP‑004 DIR 01-03-2023 Radiation Detection Equipment
- EQP‑005 DIR 01-03-2023 Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Enforcement Equipment Trailers
- EQP‑006 DIR 12-09-2024 Speed Detection Equipment
- EQP‑007 DIR 07-23-2023 Uniforms
- EQP‑009 DIR 12-09-2024 Damage and Theft Claims
- EQP‑010 09-04-2015 Body Armor Vests
- EQP‑011 02-25-2022 Stars and Identification Cards
- EQP‑012 DIR 01-03-2023 High-Visibility Vests
- EQP‑013 01-02-2025 Return of State –Owned Items of Issue
- EQP‑014 10-27-2021 Mobile Command Vehicle
- EQP‑015 DIR 12-24-2024 Law Enforcement Mobile Recording Equipment (LEMRE)
- EQP‑016 DIR 03-12-2025 Electronic Recording of Interviews and Interrogations
- OPS-002 DIR 06-24-2024 Weapons Discharge/Deadly Force Investigations
- OPS‑003 DIR 12-12-2023 Vehicle Pursuits and Forcible Vehicle Stops
- OPS‑005 DIR 01-03-2023 Operations Regulations
- OPS-006 DIR 08-21-2023 Subpoenas and External Records Requests Received
- OPS‑007 DIR 01-03-2023 Court Appearances and Jury Duty
- OPS‑008 DIR 01-03-2023 Victim/Witness Services
- OPS-009 DIR 04-05-2023 Bloodborne Pathogens
- OPS‑010 DIR 01-03-2023 Significant/Unusual Incident Notification
- OPS‑013 DIR 01-03-2023 Technical Investigations Unit
- OPS‑014 DIR 12-09-2024 Missing Person Response
- OPS‑015 DIR 01-03-2023 Search and Rescue Missions
- OPS‑023 03-10-2022 Criminal History and Uniform Crime Reporting Information Dissemination
- OPS‑025 12-20-2018 Identity Crimes
- OPS‑027 DIR 01-03-2023 Escorts and Relays
- OPS‑028 DIR 01-03-2023 Traffic Crash and Highway Problem Reporting
- OPS‑029 DIR 01-03-2023 Traffic Crash Report Completion
- OPS‑030 DIR 01-03-2023 Incident Report
- OPS‑031 DIR 01-03-2023 Aircraft Crashes/Incidents
- OPS‑032 DIR 01-03-2023 Aircraft Operations
- OPS‑033 DIR 03-29-2024 Criminal Investigation Report Writing Manual
- OPS‑034 DIR 01-03-2023 Canine
- OPS‑035 DIR 01-03-2023 Mourning
- OPS-036 DIR 07-23-2023 Military Courtesy and Formations
- OPS-037 DIR 04-05-2023 Juvenile Procedures
- OPS‑038 DIR 01-03-2023 Breath Analysis Program
- OPS-040 DIR 05-22-2023 Emergency Medical Services/Emergency Medical Responder/Basic Life Support
- OPS‑041 03-10-2022 Alarm Systems
- OPS‑042 DIR 01-27-2025 Investigative Responsibilities
- OPS‑043 03-10-2022 Multi‑Jurisdictional Task Forces
- OPS‑044 04-11-2022 Official Advanced Funds
- OPS‑046 DIR 07-24-2023 Use of Force and Intermediate Weapons
- OPS-053 DIR 02-14-2023 Illinois Emergency Management Agency/Illinois State Police Disaster Response Operations
- OPS-054 DIR 12-09-2024 Officer Survival Training
- OPS‑055 DIR 01-03-2023 State Asset Seizure and Forfeiture
- OPS‑056 DIR 01-03-2023 Eradication of Cultivated and Wild Marijuana
- OPS-057 DIR 05-10-2023 Hazardous Materials Incidents
- OPS‑058 07-24-2014 Habitual Offenders
- OPS‑059 03-10-2022 Service or Execution of Civil Process
- OPS‑061 DIR 01-03-2023 Traffic Crash Investigations
- OPS‑062 DIR 01-03-2023 Interview/Interrogation and Polygraph Rooms
- OPS‑064 05-11-2015 Extradition
- OPS‑065 DIR 01-03-2023 Processing Rooms and Areas
- OPS‑066 03-10-2022 Investigative Checklists
- OPS‑068 DIR 01-03-2023 Next‑of‑Kin Notification
- OPS‑069 DIR 12-09-2024 Illinois State Police/Salvation Army “Project Help” Program
- OPS‑071 DIR 01-03-2023 Food Shipment Incidents/Traffic Crashes
- OPS‑074 DIR 01-03-2023 Traffic Crash Reduction
- OPS‑075 04-10-2017 Crashes or Incidents Involving Department of Defense Classified Materials
- OPS‑077 DIR 01-03-2023 Motorcycle Patrol Operations
- OPS‑078 DIR 01-03-2023 Fugitives
- OPS‑079 DIR 01-24-2023 Criminal Investigative Management and Review
- OPS‑080 DIR 01-03-2023 Sex Offender Community Notification Law
- OPS‑081 03-13-2015 Emergency/High Speed Response Driving
- OPS‑082 DIR 01-03-2023 Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Registration Act
- OPS-083 03-10-2022 Mobile Fingerprint Identification System
- OPS-084 DIR 01-03-2023 Control and Arrest Tactics Training
- OPS-085 03-10-2022 Identified Offender Program
- OPS-086 DIR 01-03-2023 Unmanned Aircraft System Operation
- OPS-087 03-10-2022 Lead Homicide Certifications
- OPS-089 DIR 01-03-2023 Officer Involved Death Investigations
- OPS-090 01-03-2023 Officer-Involved Investigations Dashboard
- OPS-091 DIR 01-22-2024 Mobile Architecture for Communications Handling (MACH) Software
- OPS-092 DIR 03-24-2025 Deflection Initiatives
- OPS-100 DIR 09-23-2024 Continuity of Operations
- OPS-101 DIR 01-13-2025 All-Hazards Operations
- OPS‑102 DIR 01-03-2023 Daily Traffic Crash Fatality Summary
- OPS-200 DIR 11-12-2024 Evidence-Definitions And Responsibilities
- OPS‑201 DIR 11-12-2024 Evidence – Collecting and Packaging
- OPS‑202 DIR 11-12-2024 Evidence – Collecting and Packaging Computer and Digital/Multimedia Forensic Evidence
- OPS‑203 DIR 11-12-2024 Evidence – Inspection, Inventory, Retention, and Disposal
- ORD‑001 01-02-2025 Firearms
- ORD‑006 02-22-2022 Security/Accountability for Seized or Forfeited Weapons and Explosives Used for Training Purposes
- ORG‑001 DIR 01-03-2023 Assigning Acting Command
- ORG‑002 11-25-2014 Illinois State Police Officer
- ORG-003 02-02-2022 Appointed Exempt Ranks
- ORG‑004 02-02-2022 Tables of Organization
- ORG‑005 DIR 01-03-2023 Sworn Personnel Allocation and Distribution
- PER‑001 09-26-2022 Peer Support Program
- PER‑003 DIR 02-24-2023 Medical Response System
- PER-004 DIR 01-03-2023 Dress and Grooming
- PER‑005 02-20-2025 Integrated Strategic Performance
- PER‑006 02-28-2022 Recruitment
- PER‑007 02-28-2022 Job Descriptions
- PER‑008 06-06-2022 Employment Standards
- PER‑009 DIR 01-24-2023 Equal Employment Opportunity
- PER‑010 DIR 12-09-2024 Residency Requirements
- PER‑011 DIR 01-03-2023 Field Training Program
- PER‑012 DIR 12-04-2023 Education and Training
- PER‑013 DIR 01-03-2023 Traffic Crash Review Board
- PER‑014 04-25-2022 Career Development
- PER‑015 11-20-2018 Political Activity
- PER‑016 11-20-2020 Professional and Fraternal Organizations
- PER‑017 02-28-2022 Smoking Restrictions
- PER‑018 DIR 01-24-2023 Statement of Economic Interest
- PER‑019 DIR 01-03-2023 Temporary, Interim, and Specialized Assignments
- PER‑020 02-28-2022 Special Agent Vacancies
- PER‑021 DIR 01-30-2024 Department Awards and Service Ribbons Program
- PER‑023 DIR 01-03-2023 Department Certificates, Plaques and Service Pin Programs
- PER‑024 02-28-2022 Status Codes
- PER‑025 DIR 01-03-2023 Timekeeping
- PER‑026 02-28-2022 Overtime
- PER‑027 02-28-2022 Sick Time ‑ Sworn
- PER‑028 02-28-2022 Group Insurance
- PER‑029 DIR 01-22-2024 Workers’ Compensation
- PER‑030 DIR 01-24-2023 Complaint and Disciplinary Investigation
- PER‑031 DIR 01-03-2023 Grievance Procedures
- PER-032 DIR 12-28-2023 Discrimination and Harassment
- PER-033 DIR 12-28-2023 Sexual Harassment
- PER‑034 02-28-2022 Wage Deduction Summonses and Orders
- PER‑035 DIR 11-12-2024 Secondary Employment
- PER‑036 DIR 12-09-2024 Leave of Absence
- PER‑037 DIR 01-03-2023 Transfers
- PER‑038 03-12-2021 The Medical Review Board and Medical Duty
- PER‑039 DIR 01-10-2024 Separation From Employment
- PER‑040 10-03-2022 Military Leave
- PER-041 06-06-2024 Tuition Reimbursement
- PER‑043 DIR 01-03-2023 Office of Labor Relations and Special Projects
- PER-045 DIR 04-05-2023 Wellness Program
- PER‑048 02-28-2022 Non‑Illinois State Police Supervised/Detached Service Positions
- PER‑049 10-26-2015 Solicitation of Employees
- PER‑051 02-28-2022 Drug Free Workplace
- PER‑053 10-19-2021 Academy Related Training
- PER‑055 02-28-2022 Liaisons With Other Groups/Agencies
- PER‑057 09-29-2022 Drug Testing and Awareness
- PER‑058 04-25-2022 Interview and Selection Guidelines
- PER-059 DIR 01-22-2024 Chaplain Program
- PER‑060 02-28-2022 Performance Standards
- PER‑061 DIR 01-03-2023 Employee Files
- PER‑063 02-28-2022 Sick Leave Bank
- PER-064 DIR 11-30-2023 Critical Incident Stress Management
- PER‑065 10-24-2017 Polygraph Examinations
- PER‑066 DIR 01-03-2023 Sworn Rotation
- PER‑067 02-28-2022 Employment/Assignment of Family Members
- PER-068 02-28-2022 Interaction With Persons With Limited English Proficiency
- PER-069 07-29-2022 Ethics Revolving-Door Compliance
- PER‑101 02-28-2022 Personnel Action Request (PAR) Form
- PER‑102 02-28-2022 Code Employee Evaluation
- PER‑103 02-28-2022 Code Employee Disciplinary Rules
- PER‑104 DIR 01-03-2023 Interns
- PER‑105 08-31-2015 Supervisory Accountability ‑ Code Employees
- PER‑106 02-28-2022 Conflicting Orders ‑ Code Personnel
- ROC‑001 10-24-2017 Code of Ethics
- ROC‑002 DIR 01-03-2023 Rules of Conduct
- ROC‑003 02-02-2022 The Oath
- SRV‑001 03-09-2022 Breath Analysis Demonstrations
- SRV‑003 03-09-2022 Crime Scene Services
- SRV‑005 01-27-2025 Forensic Science Services
- SRV‑006 DIR 01-03-2023 INTERPOL
- SRV‑007 12-20-2018 Academy Library
- SRV‑008 DIR 01-03-2023 Imaging Services
- SRV‑009 DIR 01-03-2023 Ride‑Along Program
- SRV-013 DIR 09-05-2024 Honor Guard
- SRV‑016 05-09-2011 Human Services
- SRV‑017 12-12-2022 Personnel Early Warning System
- SRV‑101 03-09-2022 Portrayal of ISP on Recorded Mediums
- SRV‑104 DIR 01-03-2023 Criminal Interdiction Training and Enforcement
- SRV-200 DIR 12-04-2023 Information Security and Disposal of Personal Information
- SRV-201 DIR 12-04-2023 Use of Illinois State Police Computing Equipment and Resources
- SRV-204 DIR 12-04-2023 Local Area Network (LAN) Access and Administration
- SRV‑206 01-14-2016 Use of E‑Mail
- SRV‑208 DIR 01-03-2023 Mobile Data Computer Systems
- SRV‑209 DIR 01-03-2023 Illinois State Police Website
- SRV‑211 03-31-2017 Investigative Indices System
- SRV‑212 03-09-2022 Law Enforcement Agencies Data System (LEADS) Administrative Messages
- SRV‑213 10-26-2015 Illinois Secretary of State Data Requests
- SRV‑214 03-28-2016 Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Traffic Information Planning System (TIPS) Data Access and Dissemination
- SRV‑215 03-31-2017 Field Notification Program
- SRV-216 DIR 12-06-2023 Notification of Suspension/Reinstatement of Personnel
- SRV‑217 03-09-2022 Law Enforcement Agencies Data System (LEADS) Help Program
- SRV‑218 01-14-2016 Computer Password Control
- SRV-221 DIR 01-25-2023 Internet Use
- SRV-222 05-15-2015 Social Networking/Media Guidelines
- SRV-225 DIR 12-04-2023 Procedures for the Removal of Information and Destruction of Physical Media
- SRV-226 08-30-2021 Infrastructure Security Awareness (ISA) Program
- SRV-227 06-12-2024 Change Management of Computer Systems/Applications
- SRV-228 04-15-2024 Project Management Framework/Governance
- SRV-229 02-06-2025 Cybersecurity