Division of Criminal Investigation
Misson Statement
The mission of the Division of Criminal Investigation is to gather information and evidence to facilitate the identification, apprehension, and prosecution of persons responsible for committing crime; and to provide specialized intelligence, investigative, tactical, and technological services in support of law enforcement operations throughout the state of Illinois.
The Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) incorporates the functions of criminal investigation, intelligence support, gaming enforcement, air operations and special operations.
Plain clothes officers in eight investigative zones provide comprehensive law enforcement services to the public and many county, municipal, and federal law enforcement agencies. Detectives, known as "Special Agents," use state-of-the-art equipment and technology to investigate crimes such as homicide, sexual assault, firearm-related offenses, human trafficking, vehicle theft, fraud, and forgery. ISP Agents, cooperating with federal and local police agencies, have helped crack international narcotics rings, solve mass murders, and apprehend international terrorists.
Special Weapon and Tactics (SWAT)
Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Four ISP SWAT teams serve throughout Illinois, addressing a wide range of threats and emergencies. The teams use extensive training in dealing with many complex threats to public safety and emergency incidents, ranging from searches for missing persons to dealing with armed threats. The selection process for ISP SWAT Operators is highly demanding and highly competitive. Once selected, new operators are exposed to some of the most rigorous and challenging training afforded to law enforcement in the United States.
Air Operations Bureau (AOB)
The AOB oversees aircraft and flight crews, which are based regionally, to respond to emergencies in a timely fashion. Highly trained expert pilots respond to manhunts and searches for missing persons, conduct air speed details, provide surveillance support, and serve several other high threat or high value asset missions in fixed wing aircraft.
Statewide Terrorism & Intelligence Center (STIC)
The STIC, the designated Illinois fusion center, opened in 2003 and seeks to improve information sharing with and between public safety officials. As a member of the National Network of Fusion Centers, STIC personnel have the ability to quickly obtain and share information with partners regarding national trends and critical incidents. The Center’s all-crimes and all-hazards approach has led to the development of public safety outreach programs, benefitting the lives of the citizens of Illinois.
Intelligence Support Unit (ISU)
The ISU extends ISP’s technical investigative capabilities to all law enforcement by lending specialized technical, intelligence, and investigative forensic expertise to federal, state and local law enforcement agencies.
Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF)
The JTTF is a statewide unit within the DCI Intelligence Command, within which ISP attaches Special Agents to FBI Chicago and Springfield offices. Members of the JTTF partner with the FBI, as well as local, state, and other federal law enforcement personnel, to investigate both international and domestic terrorism incidents and individuals.
Statewide Gaming Enforcement
DCI personnel are detailed to the Illinois Gaming Board (IGB) to ensure the integrity of gaming within the State of Illinois. Special Agents assigned to IGB’s Investigations Division conduct background investigations on owner’s licensees, supplier licensees, occupational licensees, and key persons. Special Agents work to identify hidden owners of video gaming locations and interdict illegal gambling devices. The Gaming Command works in cooperation with other DCI efforts as well as other local, State, and federal agencies.
Special Investigation Unit (SIU)
The SIU is a cadre of seasoned agents who have statewide jurisdiction and handle a wide range of criminal investigations, including allegations of criminal wrongdoing by elected officials, or criminal acts perpetrated by appointees of a government body at the State and local levels.
The Division also works proactively with state, local, and federal law enforcement partners to investigate online child predators and child pornographers who use the Internet and computers to victimize children.
The contact number for the Division of Criminal Investigation administrative office is 217-782-1320.
To report a crime, please contact the appropriate law enforcement authorities, or send an email to ISP.CRIMETIPS@illinois.gov. If you wish to remain anonymous, you may contact your local Illinois State Police patrol district by clicking on the following link: ISP TroopOpens in new window. If the information you have is an emergency, please call 911 immediately.