Office of the Director
The Office of the Director (OOD) is responsible for overall administration, operation, and supervision of the Illinois State Police. The Director is appointed by the Governor and serves as a member of the Governor’s Cabinet. The powers and duties of the Director are defined in the State Police Act, 20 ILCS 2610/. The First Deputy Director reports directly to the Director.
The First Deputy Director is the highest ranking sworn ISP officer. The Deputy Director of each Division reports to the First Deputy Director. The Chief of Staff also reports to the First Deputy Director.
Division Chiefs of Staff report information to OOD through the Chief of Staff. Additionally, the Chiefs of Offices within OOD report to the First Deputy Director through the Chief of Staff. There are ten offices within OOD. They are:
- Legal Office – Serves as the General Council for the Director and provides legal document review and guidance for the ISP
- Office of Equal Employment Opportunity – Operates the ISP Equal Opportunity Employment program and handles discrimination and harassment complaints
- Office of Finance and Budget – Oversees the financial transactions of the ISP, including budgets, purchasing, and invoice vouchering
- Office of Governmental Affairs – Serves as a liaison between the ISP and the Illinois General Assembly, and is responsible for proposing legislation and providing feedback to the General Assembly members regarding legislation that affects the ISP
- Office of Human Resources – Serves as the point of contact for benefits and assistance programs that are available to ISP employees
- Office of Inspection and Audits – Conducts internal audits and inspections of ISP programs and procedures and ensures corrective actions are implemented in the event deficiencies are discovered
- Office of Labor Relations – Serves as the liaison between the ISP and the collective bargaining units
- Office of Research and Development – Manages the ISP Directives System, accreditation maintenance, coordinates strategic planning, and conducts special projects for OOD
- Office of Strategic Planning – Manages the ISP Continuity of Operations Plan, All-Hazards Response Planning, and liaisons with the State Emergency Operations Center
- Public Information Office – Coordinates ISP interaction with the media and the operation of ISP Safety Education Officers.
The contact number for the Office of the Director is 217-782-7263.