To report a crime to the Illinois State Police Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI), click on the following link to access the DCI map directory and contact information: ISP Division of Criminal InvestigationOpens in new window. If this is an emergency, please dial 911. You may also report crimes locally by contacting the local police department or Sheriff's Office.
Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting
NIBRS Training Recordings
NIBRS Errors and Warnings Training
The training is an overview of specific errors and warnings that most frequently occur for NIBRS data submitted in 2023 & 2024. The training will provide scenarios as well as a brief tutorial on why these occur and what data must be submitted to eliminate these issues.
To view the training recording Click here.
NIBRS Supplement Reports & Data Center/Ad-Hoc Query Training
The training is an overview of all required supplement reports within NIBRS reporting, submission requirements, and required data fields. The training also provides a brief tutorial on searching the Data Center for submitted reports and working items for unfinished reports, along with creating tailored data reports utilizing the Ad-Hoc Query reporting tool.
To view the training recording Click here.
NIBRS Data Report Training
There are certain reports in the NIBRS repository that are already created to show specific data elements. These reports contain searchable parameters based upon the data submitted by the participating NIBRS agency and are designed to show crime patterns, trends, and information on victims, offenders, and arrestees. They also provide data for certain grant funding. This training covers what data is captured by each report and how it is displayed to allow agencies to access NIBRS and Illinois-specific reports.
To view the training recording Click here.
NIBRS Overview Training
The training is an overview of all required supplement reports within NIBRS reporting as well as an overview of specific errors and warnings that most frequently occur. The training also provides a brief tutorial on searching the Data Center for submitted reports and working items for unfinished reports, along with creating data reports utilizing the Ad-Hoc reporting tool.
To view the training recording Click here.
New Users & NIBRS Navigation Training
The training is tailored to agencies who have not established a user account or have recently been certified for NIBRS reporting. The training is a high-level overview of Acronyms, submissions methods, getting set up in the Illinois NIBRS Repository (INR), and how to become certified. The training also provides a brief tutorial on navigating the NIBRS website, including searching the Data Center for submitted reports, working items for unfinished reports, along with reviewing the Errors and Warnings report.
To view the training recording Click here.
NIBRS Property Segment Training
The training is an overview of the property segment within Group A incident reports. Agencies should report Property Segment(s) when an incident involves a Crime Against Property offense, a Kidnapping/Abduction offense, Drug Narcotic Offenses, or Gambling Offenses. The training provides scenarios and details on how to accurately complete the property segment to avoid submission errors.
To view the training recording Click here.
NIBRS Arrest reporting Training
The training is an overview of NIBRS Arrest reporting. This includes the Arrest Segment within a Group A incident report as well as a Group B Arrest Report. The training provides instructions on clearing incidents in NIBRS and includes examples of clearance by arrest and/or exceptional means. We cover scenarios involving clearance by exceptional means as well as the three types of arrests:
O = On-View Arrest (apprehension without a warrant or previous incident report): i.e., placed in handcuffs and taken to jail.
S = Summoned/Cited (not taken into custody): i.e., citation, court summons served (not arrested AKA not taken into custody)
T = Taken into Custody: i.e., arrested on a warrant.
To view the training recording Click here.
NIBRS/UCR Compliancy Training
The Illinois UCR team recently conducted a NIBRS/UCR Compliancy Training. This training provided agencies a complete explanation of what it takes to achieve full UCR compliancy. Step-by-step instructions on how to ensure an agency has all required data submissions entered was provided in PowerPoint as well as outline format. Details were provided on navigating the NIBRS website, including searching the Agency Monthly Tracker & Data Center for submitted reports, working items for unfinished reports, along with reviewing the Errors and Warnings report. The training provided instructions on how to submit the mandated annual law enforcement employee counts.
To view the training recording Click here.
NIBRS Reminder

A National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) resource page is available to help agencies transition to NIBRS. Some of these resources come directly from the FBI, while others were developed internally during the I-UCR Program’s NIBRS implementation planning phase. This resource page, one of the buttons above, will include updates on NIBRS transition activities when there is helpful information to share. Access the page by clicking on the NIBRS Transition logo at the right-hand side of the page.
Finally, we have established a means for directly emailing the ISP NIBRS Transition Team. Simply click on the email address to the right:
I-UCR Updates
February 08, 2023
The Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting (I-UCR) Program is committed to maintaining an accurate list of Illinois Statutes that are reportable within the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). Due to recent statute changes and additions and minor #errors discovered in the current codes table, the I-UCR determined there was a need for changes to the codes table. On February 6th, 2023, the I-UCR will publish a new codes table, which will add 1,317 new ILCS offenses. This will be available in the Information Exchange Package Documentation (IEPD) located at NIBRSOpens in new window. These changes will go live on February 17th, 2023 in the production environment.
Error corrections that were made:
- 625-5/11-501(a)(1): was incorrectly listed as 2410 and was changed to 2411
- 625-5/11-501(a)(2): was incorrectly listed as 2411 and was changed to 2410
- 625-5/12-610.2(b-5)(e): This was listed without the “e” and was changed to [(610.2(b-5)(e)].
- 625-5/4-102: This is listed without the “a” and was changed to [(4-102(a)].
- 625-5/4-103: This had to be broken out in several subsections (4-103(a)(1-6)
- 720-5/17-5.6: Because of a change in statute, this section was eliminated, and the State Benefits Fraud statute was changed to 720-5/17-6 (1191)
- 720-5/17-8.3(a,b): This was broken out into a separate offense for the subsections of “720-5/17-8.3(a)” I-UCR 1197 & “720-5/17-8.3b” I-UCR 7090
- 720-5/17-8.3(c,d): This is listed incorrectly in the current codes table and corrected as 720-5/17-8.5(a) & 720-5/17-8.5(b)
- 720-646/25(c )(1): the extra space was taken out of the “(c)”
- 725-5/107-2(c ): the extra space was taken out of the “(c)”
February 08, 2023
On October 5, 2022, the FBI delivered the first NIBRS-only crime data release for Calendar Year (CY) 2021. Because many LEAs were not able to submit via NIBRS, participation was down a concerning 22 percent. The impact of this decrease, particularly on hate crime data where estimation is not available, was significant and very troubling to advocacy groups, law makers, and the public.
In preparation for the production of 2022 statistics, the FBI has decided to accept SRS data submissions from any agency which has not yet completed their NIBRS transition. Where possible, it is also our intention to collect 2021 hate crime data in the legacy format so that we can release a 2021 hate crime update. This is a short-term solution to mitigate reporting shortfalls until agencies transition to NIBRS
In order to release more comprehensive data for CY 2022, the FBI is engaging all state UCR programs to inform them of our decision to accept SRS or NIBRS data. As has been a rule for many years, once a data contributor transitions, they must continue to submit NIBRS data without the option of returning to SRS. The date to submit all 2022 crime data has been extended to April 3, 2023, in order to be represented in the CY 2022 data release.
February 08, 2023
The iClear site was decommissioned on December 31st, 2022. The Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting Program no longer has the capability to collect SRS data. We do, however, have all data sent to the iClear site prior to it’s decommissioning and will be forwarding the data to the FBI. It is unclear if the FBI will revise past publications to reflect the SRS reporting.
November 30, 2022
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Training Instructors are excited to announce another virtual training of the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) open to the North Central region on 1/10-12/2023, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. EST.
This will be a free Virtual NIBRS course on the Microsoft Teams platform and will be available to law enforcement personnel representing state, tribal, county, city, university, and college agencies. It will include an introduction to NIBRS, detailed instruction on classifying Group A Offenses (Crimes Against Persons, Property, and Society), Group B Offenses, reporting incidents and arrests utilizing NIBRS data elements and values, practice scenarios, and activities.
We ask that your State Program handle sending the information about training out to any/all agencies you would like to participate. When disseminating to agencies, please be sure to include the registration link below. Although registration is open for two weeks, it has been our experience that the class reaches maximum capacity very quickly, often within hours of the link opening. We advise to register as soon as possible once link opens.
This training is limited to only those agencies in the North Central region; we kindly ask that you do not forward this invitation to agencies in other regions. North Central region includes: IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, and WI.
Instruction will be a total of 12 hours over a three-day span with an hour lunch each day. Participants must attend all three days of training to receive a completion certificate. The tentative agenda for the course is as follows:
- Tuesday, January 10: Introduction (NIBRS fundamentals), Crimes Against Persons
- Wednesday, January 11: Crimes Against Property, Crimes Against Society, and Group B
- Thursday, January 12: Data Elements and Data Values
- Registration link will OPEN on 12/13/2022 at 11 a.m. EST.
- Registration link will CLOSE on 12/22/2022 at 4 p.m. EST or when class reaches maximum capacity.
- Space is limited to 275 individual logins, first come, first served.
- Each agency will be limited to two logins.
- The registration link includes a waitlist and signing up doesn't guarantee a spot in the class. We will contact participants soon after registration closes to advise whether they have been registered or placed on a waitlist.
We highly recommend that agencies share a single login/computer, when possible, to allow more registrants. If sharing a single login, only one person from a group will need to register and serve as the primary registrant. There is no FBI limit to the number of participants who may view the training from a shared login. For example, multiple participants may view the training in a conference room on a shared screen and would only need to register one person. All participants who attend all three days of NIBRS training will receive a certificate of completion.
The link for registration is: RegisterOpens in new window
For additional information, kindly contact
North Central NIBRS Training Flyer January 2023Opens in new window
October 12, 2022
The annual Law Enforcement Employee (LEE) data collection period will open on November 1st, 2022. This data must be reported on the Illinois NIBRS Repository (INR) Production site NIBRSOpens in new window. If you do not have access or you have issues accessing your account, please send an email to: You will not be able to access INR Production site until you have requested and received a user name and password. The collection of LEE data will close on January 22, 2023. If you need further assistance with your agency’s NIBRS transition, please do not hesitate to contact the Illinois UCR Program at
October 12, 2022
If your agency is currently submitting UCR summary data through the iClear summary reporting site, please be aware this site will sunset on December 31, 2022. After that date, the I-UCR program will only accept National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) reporting.
The I-UCR Program has posted the latest version of the NIBRS User Manual, version date 4/2021, and is available at NIBRSOpens in new window. Most questions regarding Incident Based Reporting can be found in this user guide.
To obtain access to the Illinois NIBRS Repository Test site (INRT) [NIBRS]Opens in new window and begin your transition please send an email to
To become certified by the FBI, agencies must successfully submit three (3) consecutive months of data to the INRT with an error rate of 4% or less. Agencies will have three options to upload their crime reporting data: manual entry (User Interface), XML manual upload, and through XML web services (machine to machine).
If you need further assistance with your agency’s NIBRS transition, please do not hesitate to contact the NIBRS Liaison at
October 07, 2022
NIBRS Workshop for agencies who have not established a user account or have been NIBRS certified.
May 17, 2022
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Training Instructors are excited to announce another virtual training of the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) open to the North Central region on 6/14-16/2022, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. EDT.
This will be a free Virtual NIBRS course on the Microsoft Teams platform and will be available to law enforcement personnel representing state, tribal, county, city, university, and college agencies. It will include an introduction to NIBRS, detailed instruction on classifying Group A Offenses (Crimes Against Persons, Property, and Society), Group B Offenses, reporting incidents and arrests utilizing NIBRS data elements and values, practice scenarios, and activities.
We ask that your State Program handle sending the information about training out to any/all agencies you would like to participate. When disseminating to agencies, please be sure to include the registration link below. Although registration is open for two weeks, it has been our experience that the class reaches maximum capacity very quickly, often within hours of the link opening. We advise to register as soon as possible once link opens.
This training is limited to only those agencies in the North Central region; we kindly ask that you do not forward this invitation to agencies in other regions. North Central region includes: IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, and WI.
Instruction will be a total of 12 hours over a three-day span with an hour lunch each day. Participants must attend all three days of training to receive a completion certificate. The tentative agenda for the course is as follows:
- Tuesday, June 14: Introduction (NIBRS fundamentals), Crimes Against Persons
- Wednesday, June 15: Crimes Against Property, Crimes Against Society, and Group B Offenses
- Thursday, June 16: Data Elements and Data Values
- Registration link will OPEN on 5/23/2022 at 11 a.m. EDT.
- Registration link will CLOSE on 6/03/2022 at 4 p.m. EDT or when class reaches maximum capacity.
**The new link provided below will allow you to register at any time. HOWEVER, we will not accept any registration until the link opens. If you register before the time noted above, you will not receive a login for the training.
Space is limited to 275 individual logins, first come, first served. *Priority will be given to agencies that did not get the opportunity to
participate in the first North Central Regional Training held in January.
Each agency will be limited to two logins.
The registration link includes a waitlist and signing up doesn't guarantee a spot in the class. We will contact participants soon after registration closes to advise whether they have been registered or placed on a waitlist.
We highly recommend that agencies share a single login/computer, when possible, to allow more registrants. If sharing a single login, only one person from a group will need to register and serve as the primary registrant. There is no FBI limit to the number of participants who may view the training from a shared login. For example, multiple participants may view the training in a conference room on a shared screen and would only need to register one person. All participants who attend all three days of NIBRS training will receive a certificate of completion.
The link for registration is: RegistrationOpens in new window
For additional information, kindly contact
May 10, 2022
The FBI UCR program has issued version 3.0 “Hate Crime Data Collection Guidelines and Training Manual”. This document is available on the Illinois NIBRS Repository (INR) and the NIBRS Test site (INRT) in the recourse section of the home page. The document is also available in the below link.
Hate Crime Data Collection Guidelines and Training ManualOpens in new window
February 01, 2022
The following message is for agencies using Summary Reporting (iClear) only. If you are a NIBRS agency, you will verify your data on the LEEP portal.
The verification process for 2021 Index Crime statistics to be published in Crime in Illinois 2021 will begin on January 31st, 2022 and conclude on March 1, 2022. The I-CLEAR online reporting tool will be used to verify statistics. This data is being verified for Crime in Illinois only, this data will not be sent to the FBI for their Crime in the United States publication. The FBI is no longer accepting summary data. Refer to the attachment below for additional information regarding the verification process and the FBI’s publication deadline date.
December 1, 2021
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Training Instructors are excited to announce another virtual training of the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) open to the North Central region on 1/11-13/2022, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. EST.
This will be a free Virtual NIBRS course on the Microsoft Teams platform and will be available to law enforcement personnel representing state, county, city, university, and college agencies. It will include detailed instruction on classifying Group A Offenses (Crimes Against Persons, Property, and Society), Group B Offenses, reporting incidents and arrests utilizing NIBRS data elements and values, practice scenarios, and activities.
Instruction will be a total of 12 hours over a three-day span with an hour lunch each day. Participants must attend all three days of training to receive a completion certificate. The tentative agenda for the course is as follows:
- Tuesday, January 11: Introduction (NIBRS fundamentals), Crimes Against Persons
- Wednesday, January 12: Crimes Against Property, Crimes Against Society, and Group B Offenses
- Thursday, January 13: Data Elements and Data Values
- Registration link will OPEN on 12/06/2021 at 11 a.m. EST.
- Registration link will CLOSE on 12/17/2021 at 4 p.m. EST or when class reaches maximum capacity.
- Space is limited to 275 individual logins, first come, first served.
- Each agency will be limited to two logins.
- The registration link includes a waitlist and signing up doesn't guarantee a spot in the class. We will contact participants soon after registration closes to advise whether they have been registered or placed on a waitlist.
We highly recommend that agencies share a single log-in/computer, when possible, to allow more registrants. If sharing a single login, only one person from a group will need to register and serve as the primary registrant. There is no FBI limit to the number of participants who may view the training from a shared login. For example, multiple participants may view the training in a conference room on a shared screen and would only need to register one person. All participants who attend all three days of NIBRS training will receive a certificate of completion.
Click here to register for virtual NIBRS Training Opens in new window
November 10, 2021
The annual law enforcement employee collection is being reported on the Illinois NIBRS Repository (INR) Production site (NIBRSOpens in new window). If you do not have access, please send an email requesting access to: You will not be able to access INR until you have requested and received a user name and password.
As a reminder, the Use of Force and Mental Health Incident reporting is now available in the Illinois NIBRS Repository (INR) Production site (NIBRSOpens in new window). Illinois Law Enforcement Agencies, whether reporting NIBRS or Summary data, will be able to access this report and have the ability to report back to July 1st, 2021, per statutory requirement.
October 14, 2021
The Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting Program is pleased to announce Mental Health Incident reporting is available in the Illinois NIBRS Repository (INR) production site (NIBRSOpens in new window). Illinois Law Enforcement Agencies, whether reporting NIBRS or Summary data, will be able to access this report and can report back to July 1st, 2021, per statutory requirement. As a reminder, the Use of Force reporting is also available in the INR production site as agencies no longer can report this information directly to the FBI through their LEEP account. Agencies can report data as far back as January 1st, 2019.
The Summary Reporting System (I-CLEAR) will sunset on December 31st, 2022. All agencies are encouraged to move to NIBRS before the sunset date. Agencies who want more details about NIBRS, please send an email to As always, everyone in the I-UCR program appreciates your agency’s willingness to help.
**If you do not have credentials to sign into the INR, please send an email to
September 08, 2021
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Training Instructors are excited to announce another virtual training of the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), open to all states, on October 19-21, 2021, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
This will be a FREE virtual NIBRS course on the Microsoft Teams platform and will be available to all law enforcement personnel on a first-come, first-serve basis. Instruction will be a total of 12 hours over three days with an hour lunch break each day. Participants must attend all three days of training to receive a completion certificate. The FBI and ISP highly recommend that agencies share a single log-in/computer, when possible, to allow for more registrants. There is no limit to the number of participants who may view the training from a shared login.
The registration link, which opens on 09/13/2021 at 1 p.m. and closes on 09/24/2021 at 3 p.m., includes a waitlist. Signing up does NOT guarantee a spot in the class. The FBI will contact participants soon after registration closes to advise whether they have been registered for the class or placed on a waitlist.
September 01, 2021
The Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting Program is pleased to announce Use of Force reporting is now available in the Illinois NIBRS Repository. All agencies, whether reporting NIBRS or Summary, will be able to access this report. All agencies will have the ability to report as far back as January 1st, 2019. Illinois Law Enforcement Agencies will no longer have the ability to report directly through their LEEP account. As a reminder, Summary Reporting System will sunset on December 31st, 2022. All agencies are encouraged to move to NIBRS before the sunset date. Agencies who want more details about NIBRS, please send an email to
July 27, 2021
The I-UCR Program has been made aware by local law enforcement agencies that the Secretary of State (SOS) Police 2021 Offense Code Index books received by agencies contain incorrect UCR Codes for several offenses. The I-UCR Program is working with the SOS Police to get these corrected. If you have any questions, please contact the I-UCR Program at
June 24, 2021
The Illinois State Police (ISP) I-UCR Program is pleased to announce The National Use of Force Form is now available on the Illinois NIBRS Repository Test site (INRT) in the Data Center. Test data is needed at this time. Please log into the INRT and submit as many forms as you like from June 24nd, to June 30th. This data will be used to test the ISP I-UCR program’s connection to the FBI. We are working towards a “go live” date in July 2021. As always, everyone in the I-UCR program appreciates your agency’s willingness to help.
**If you do not have credentials to sign into the INRT, please send an email to **
April 28, 2021
The ICLEAR reporting site will be down for scheduled maintenance on April 29th, 2021 from 0800-1400 hours. The Illinois NIBRS Repository and the Illinois NIBRS Repository (test) sites will not be affected by this outage. If your agency has not converted to NIBRS, please send an email to and request access to the new reporting sites. If you have any questions about switching to NIBRS, please send an email to As a reminder, the ICLEAR UCR reporting site will sunset on December 31st, 2022.
April 28, 2021
There will be a virtual FBI NIBRS Training June 8-10 from 11am to 4pm for 275 attendees. Please see flyer attached below for details.
April 05, 2021
The Illinois ICLEAR reporting site will be down for scheduled maintenance on April 7, 2021 from 8 to 11am.
March 26, 2021
The Illinois NIBRS Repository will be down for scheduled maintenance on March 29, 2021 from 5pm to 7 pm.
March 25, 2021
The I-UCR program has posted the latest version of the National Incident-Based Reporting System User Manual version dated 9/2020. Most questions regarding Incident Based Reporting can be found in this user guide. If you need further assistance with your agencies’ NIBRS transition, please do not hesitate to contact the NIBRS Coordinator at If your agency is ready for the NIBRS conversion, please send an email to us at for access to the Illinois NIBRS Repository.
March 17, 2021
Corrected FBI Guidance on Warrant Arrests:
Agency arrests individual on warrant from other jurisdiction, without any local charges: Agency should not report anything to NIBRS for this. The jurisdiction where the warrant originated will report the arrest (either as an arrest segment on a Group A incident report or arrest report as a 90z).
Agency arrests individual on local charges and that individual also has a warrant from another jurisdiction: Agency will report incident within their own jurisdiction. If the warrant from another jurisdiction is for a group A offense, they can either clear it exceptionally OR place a detainer on the individual, leave it alone, and then enter an arrest when they pick the person up. If the warrant from another jurisdiction is for a Group B offense, they must not report an arrest at this time. It will not be reported unless they also place a detainer on the individual and then may report an arrest at the time agency picks them up.
Corrected FBI Guidance on Warrant ArrestsOpens in new window
January 27, 2021
2020 Verification Process
The verification process for 2020 Index Crime statistics to be published in Crime in Illinois 2020 will begin on February 1, 2021 and conclude on March 1, 2021. The I-CLEAR online reporting tool will be used to verify statistics. ONLY agencies that have been approved to submit paper-based reporting forms for the 2020 reporting year will receive verification reports and instructions via e-mail. Refer to the attachment below for additional information regarding the verification process and the FBI’s publication deadline date.