Illinois State Police Academy
The primary purpose of the Illinois State Police Academy is to prepare new officers for a career in law enforcement. The Academy provides training for Cadets (future ISP officers) and Recruits (future local law enforcement officers). Cadet Classes run 29 weeks. Since the current facility opened its doors in 1968, the Academy has trained more than 7,000 Cadets. Recruit basic training began at the Academy in October 1976. Since then, the Academy provided instruction for 21 258-hour Recruit basic training classes. Today, Recruit basic training is a 640-hour (16 weeks) comprehensive training course. More than 5,000 Recruits have graduated from the ISP Academy and are pursuing their police careers throughout the state. In addition to training new Cadets and Recruits, the Academy offers a variety of specialty trainings for ISP officers as well as for law enforcement personnel from local, county, state, and federal agencies. These specialty trainings include:
- Basic Juvenile Officers
- Breath Alcohol Operator
- Canine
- Control and Arrest Tactics (C.A.T.)
- Crisis Intervention Team (C.I.T)
- Basic Life Support/Initial Medical Response
- Emergency Medical Responder
- Electronic Criminal Surveillance
- Emergency Vehicle Operations Course (E.V.O.C.)
- Motor Vehicle Theft Investigation
- Narcotics Investigation
- Radar/Lidar Instructor and Operator
- Second Division and Overweight Vehicle Enforcement
- Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Instructor
- Traffic Crash Investigation