Academy Facilities
The Illinois State Police Academy was constructed in Springfield, Illinois, in 1968. A large addition was added in 1972, making the building self-contained
for housing and training. This complex, which sits on approximately four acres of ground, represents the first permanent home for Cadet training. The first
class to graduate was Cadet Class 51 in November 1973. Prior to the Academy's construction, most of ISP's training was conducted at the Illinois State
The Academy has undergone several changes through the years. The facility now includes 280 beds, a gymnasium with free weights and state-of-the-art exercise equipment, a one-quarter mile running track, video and computer accessibility, and a full-service cafeteria.
In 2002, a 9,000 square foot addition was constructed on the Academy's south side. The addition includes a 100 seat theater style classroom along with several
administrative offices and conference rooms. Also included during this expansion was the construction of a 5,000 square foot forensic lab on the north end of
the Academy. This complex houses the "Combined DNA Index System" (CODIS). In 2017, a new audio and visual system was installed in the theater style classroom
to enhance the delivery of curriculum to Cadets, Recruits, and In-service personnel. In 2019 & 2020, new audio and visual systems were installed in the classrooms
to enhance the delivery of curriculum to Cadets, Recruits, and In-service personnel.
The Academy also includes the Pawnee Training Facility, a 100 acre complex ten miles south of the main facility, which was completed in the fall of 1988. This is where K-9 training, a track for Emergency Vehicle Operation Course, and firearm ranges are located.