Office of Finance
The Office of Finance (OOF) manages the Department’s fiscal operations in an efficient and effective manner while maintaining fiscal integrity as defined by state and federal law, administrative rule, and Department policy. The following Units pertain to fiscal management: Budget, Asset Forfeiture, Grant Compliance, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Procurement and Asset Management. The Budget Unit is responsible for the tracking, monitoring and projecting of revenues and expenses, and Personal Services tracking, including headcount, payroll and overtime. The Asset Forfeiture Unit administers the forfeiture provisions of the Drug Asset Forfeiture Procedure Act, the Cannabis Control Act, the Illinois Controlled Substance Act, the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act, and the Money Laundering Article. The Grant Compliance Unit administers grants which provide funds to hire officers back in order to focus enforcement efforts on statutes related to controlled substances, occupant restraint violations, construction zone speed limits, and other traffic violations. Accounts Payable processes all payments from all ISP work units to vendors through ERP. The Accounts Receivable unit is responsible for depositing revenues from federal, state, county and local authorities. The OOF also provides support for the Department’s fiscal systems, oversees the cash management of official advanced funds, and oversees the deposit, distribution, and disbursement of forfeited monies. The Procurement Unit oversees all procurement for the Illinois State Police. The unit also assists various units with large procurements. The Agency Purchasing Office acts as a liaison with the State Procurement Officer assigned to ISP by the Chief Procurement Officer. The Fixed Assets Management Unit ensures property is carefully tracked throughout the agency.