Illinois State Police Academy
The mission of the Division of the Academy and Training (DAT) is to provide the highest quality education, training, equipment, and recruitment of law enforcement personnel in Illinois.
The Academy offers a multitude of continuing training and educational programs for ISP employees as well as offerings for other state, local and federal agencies.
The Illinois State Police Academy provides training to Cadets, in-service education to Troopers and a basic curriculum to state, county and municipal agencies.
The DAT is comprised of four bureaus, Training Development Bureau, Physical Skills Bureau, Recruitment and Substance Testing Bureau, and Logistics Bureau.
Training Development Bureau: The Basic Training and Curriculum Sections will provide high-quality, dynamic education and training to the law enforcement community utilizing the most innovative practices and continuing to promote public safety while preparing personnel to engage with the public in a service-minded approach.
Physical Skills Bureau: The Physical Skills and Officer Survival Sections will provide a safe and secure training environment utilizing realistic practical exercises and scenarios that emphasize officer and public safety as well as adhere to Illinois legislation, department policy, and societal expectations.
Recruitment and Substance Testing Bureau: The Recruitment Section is committed to excellence and dedicated to creating new and innovative ways to achieve a professional, inclusive, and unified department that reflects the diversity of the communities ISP serves, promotes public safety, and improves the quality of life of the citizens of Illinois -- ensuring future employees strive to adhere to the highest standards of Integrity, Service, and Pride and recognize ISP as a challenging and exciting career. The Alcohol and Substance Testing Section will provide statewide law enforcement personnel the highest level of training, certification, and compliance on all breath testing evidentiary and non-evidentiary instruments and will work with all stakeholders to provide an overview of the importance of breath testing equipment utilization and related legal processes.
Logistics Bureau: The Logistical and Facilities Support Sections will provide, in the most efficient and fiscally responsible manner, a high-quality learning environment and the best facilities, equipment, resources, and technical support to public service personnel while being proactive to the ever-changing needs of the department. The Quartermaster Section will support the acquisition and distribution of high-quality law enforcement equipment and supplies to all ISP employees to ensure their health, welfare, and safety while serving and protecting the general public.
DAT is proud of the national reputation it has earned and is looking forward to carrying this tradition into the 100th anniversary and beyond of our premier agency’s existence.
The contact number for the Division of the Academy and Training is 217-786-6903.