Law Enforcement Torch Run Raffles
Illinois Law Enforcement Torch Run Harley Raffle
Since 1998, the Illinois Law Enforcement Torch Run has sold tickets for a new Harley-Davidson raffle as part of our year-round fundraising efforts. Beginning in 2020, this raffle is sponsored by the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police as part of their statewide sponsorship of the Illinois LETR.
This year’s bike is a 2023 Street Glide valued at more than $20,000. George and Sue Ann Tragos, owners of Chi-Town Harley-Davidson, have donated a portion of the bike to Special Olympics Illinois. Through this partnership, the Illinois Law Enforcement Torch Run® has been exposed to new events and opportunities to showcase the bike and sell tickets.
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2023 Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets $10 each

Illinois Law Enforcement Torch Run Camper

Beginning in 2020, the Illinois Law Enforcement Torch Run has sold tickets for a Camper Raffle sponsored by the Maple Park Police Department. This year, the raffle’s grand prize will be a new 2023 Coleman Lantern 17B Camper valued at $16,000. In addition, three additional winners will receive a Weber Travel Grill – Valued up to $300.
The Illinois Law Enforcement Torch Run and Maple Park Police Department would like to thank Gander RV and Outdoors for providing the prizes for this year’s raffle.
2023 Camper Raffle Tickets $10 each
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