Pursuant to the FDLC Act, the following documents are required for certification:
- A signed copy of your valid Federal Firearms License [430 ILCS 68/5-10]. If your FFL is close to expiration, update it prior to applying for your FDLC.
- The single page “Illinois State Police – Firearms Services Bureau, FDLC Affidavit” to affirm the validity of your Federal Firearms License (FFL), as well as the identification and completed training requirements of any Owner(s), Employee(s) and/or Agent(s) prior to their performance of any duties that include the handling, possession, transfer or sale of firearms or ammunition. If you have more than six names to submit, use additional affidavits. The affidavit(s) must be signed and notarized. The affidavit is located: FDLC AffidavitOpens in new window
- A completed Safe Storage Plan (RETAIL LOCATIONS ONLY) [430 ILCS 68/5-55]. The Safe Storage Plan is located: Safe Storage PlanOpens in new window
Please upload your completed documents in the following fields within the FDLC application:
- Identification Document: The signed copy of your valid Federal Firearms License. If your FFL is close to expiration, update it prior to applying for your FDLC.
- Affidavit Document: The single, “Illinois State Police – Firearms Services Bureau, FDLC Affidavit” is to be used to affirm the validity of the dealer’s Federal Firearms License (FFL), as well as the identification and completed training requirements of any Owner(s), Agent(s) and/or Employee(s) prior to their performance of any duties that include the handling, possession, transfer or sale of firearms or ammunition. If you have more than six names to submit, use additional signed and notarized affidavits.
- Disclosure Document: The Safe Storage Plan (RETAIL LOCATIONS ONLY)
- All affidavits must be signed and notarized.