
Illinois State Police Convicted Methamphetamine Manufacturer Registry

This database was created pursuant to 730 ILCS 180 (Public Act 094-0831) which required that persons convicted under 720 ILCS 646/15, Participation in Methamphetamine Manufacturing, be identified with that information made available to law enforcement and the general public. The information provided in the Illinois Methamphetamine Manufacturer Database is the offender’s name, date of birth, offense or offenses requiring inclusion in the database, and the conviction date and county of each such offense.

There are several methamphetamine related offenses addressed in the Illinois Compiled Statutes. The Illinois Methamphetamine Manufacturer Database identifies only those offenders convicted, on or after June 5, 2006, of Participation in Methamphetamine Manufacturing as identified in 720 ILCS 646/15 and authorized by 730 ILCS 180 (Public Act 094-0831), Methamphetamine Manufacturer Registry Act.; see also 20 Ill. Adm. Code. 1284.

An individual may challenge the information contained in the Illinois criminal history record by submitting a fingerprint based Access and Review, with record challenge,Opens in new window to the Illinois State Police Bureau of Identification as the state central repository.