Helpful Links
- AAFS - American Academy of Forensic Sciences Opens in new window
- ABC - American Board of Criminalistics Opens in new window
- ABFE - American Board of Forensic Examiners Opens in new window
- ACFE - American College of Forensic Examiners Opens in new window
- ACS - American Chemical Society Opens in new window
- AFSCME - American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees Opens in new window
- AFTE - Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners Opens in new window
- ANAB - ANSI National Accreditation Board Opens in new window
- ASCLD - American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors Opens in new window
- ASMS - American Society for Mass Spectrometry Opens in new window
- ASQ - American Society for Quality Opens in new window
- ASQDE - American Society of Questioned Document Examiners Opens in new window
- ASTM - American Society of Testing and Materials Opens in new window
- AFQAM - Association of Forensic Quality Assurance Managers Opens in new window
- CAC - California Association of Criminalistics Opens in new window
- CSFS - Canadian Society of Forensic Sciences Opens in new window
- FSS - Forensic Science Society Opens in new window
- IAAI - International Association of Arson Investigators Opens in new window
- IABTI - International Association of Bomb Technicians & Investigators Opens in new window
- IACP - Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police Opens in new window
- IACT - International Association for Chemical Testing Opens in new window
- IAI - International Association for Identification Opens in new window
- IAPEM - Illinois Association of Property & Evidence Managers Opens in new window
- MAAT - Midwest Association for Toxicology and TDM Opens in new window
- MAFS - Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists Opens in new window
- NAFE - National Academy of Forensic Engineers Opens in new window
- NCFS - National Center for Forensic Science Opens in new window
- NFPA - National Fire Protection Association Opens in new window
- NFSTC - National Forensic Science Technology Center Opens in new window
- NIBIN - National Integrated Ballistic Information Network Opens in new window
- NIDA - National Institute on Drug Abuse Opens in new window
- NIJ - National Institute of Justice Opens in new window
- NOBCChE - National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers Opens in new window
- NOVA - National Organization for Victim Assistance Opens in new window
- OSAC – The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science Opens in new window
- Reddy's Forensic Reference Site Opens in new window
- SAFS - Southern Association of Forensic Scientists Opens in new window
- SWGDAM - Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods Opens in new window
- SWGDE - The Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence Opens in new window
- SWGDOC - Scientific Working Group for Forensic Document Examination Opens in new window
- SWGDRUG - Scientific Working Group on Analysis of Seized Drugs Opens in new window
- SWGFAST - Scientific Working Group for Friction Ridge Analysis, Study & Technology Opens in new window
- SOFT - Society of Forensic Toxicologists Opens in new window
- SWAFS - Southwestern Association of Forensic Scientists Opens in new window
- TWGFEX - Technical Working Group on Fire Debris & Explosives Opens in new window