Complete a Crash Report Online
Welcome to the Illinois State Police Online Crash Reporting Application. This program has been designed to allow motorists involved in certain types of vehicle crashes to make a report online without the on-scene assistance of a law enforcement officer.
Illinois Statute requires any vehicle crash be reported to law enforcement when:
- There is injury to or death of any person
- There is damage over $1500 to any single vehicle or property
- There is over $500 damage to any uninsured vehicle
Only the following types of crashes may be reported utilizing this online program:
- Single vehicle crashes
- Property damage only (non-injury) crashes
- Crashes that occurred on Interstate highways or Illinois State Roadways normally under the jurisdiction of the Illinois State Police
All 2 vehicle crashes must be reported in person and will not be accepted via the Online Crash Reporting Application.
If you have been involved in a crash that does not meet these criteria, please contact law enforcement to make a report.